Correlates Of Job Motivating Factors Among Male Health Workers in Rural Karnataka


  • Manoj Kumar Gupta Institute of Health Management Research, Bangalore
  • K Sreenath Reddy Institute of Health Management Research, Bangalore
  • Veena R Institute of Health Management Research, Bangalore
  • Chandra Prabha Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
  • Chandana M BEC, Apotex, Bangalore


Male Health Workers, Motivating factors, De-motivating factors


Introduction: This study was planned to assess the correlate of job motivating and de-motivating factors with the actual situation among male health workers (MHWs) in rural Karnataka.

Methodology: A cross sectional study design was adopted. From Karnataka state, six districts were selected for the study by adopting appropriate sampling methodology. Out of the total sub-centers in those selected districts, 49 were selected based on confirmation of position of Male Health Workers at the sub centers. Those MHWs were interviewed by using a structured interview schedule. Data was analyzed using Microsoft excel 2007 and SPSS v.16 software.

Results: Stable job and income was addressed as job motivational factor in 87.8% of MHWs. Convenient location with proper connectivity of SC was motivating factor for nearly 70% Of MHWs. Majority (95.9%) of MHWs were considering sense of achievement and recognition as job motivation factor irrespective of their working years.

Conclusion: A moderate discrepancy was found between job motivating and de-motivating factors with the actual situation. Hence, there is huge scope and need to explore those factors with some multi centric studies.


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How to Cite

Gupta MK, Reddy KS, Veena R, Prabha C, Chandana M. Correlates Of Job Motivating Factors Among Male Health Workers in Rural Karnataka. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2013 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];4(02):221-6. Available from:



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