Investigation And Control of Scabies in Shelter Homes of Mandya City


  • Poornima Sadashivaiah Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Raghini Ranganathan Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Vinay M Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Shreedhara Chikkade Primary Health Center, Kyathamgere, Mandya
  • B J Mahendra MIMS, Mandya, Karnataka


Scabies, epidemiological investigation, lindane


Two children with scabies and impetiginisation were admitted to Mandya institute of Medical Sciences (MIMS). Epidemiological investigation revealed that these children were traced to a common childcare facility in Mandya City. Cluster testing of the children from different childcare facilities led to identification of 38 cases of scabies. Blanket treatment was initiated with Lindane lotion and the children were monitored. This outbreak investigation explains how cluster testing led to diagnosing, treatment, control and prevention of scabies in the child care facilities.


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How to Cite

Sadashivaiah P, Ranganathan R, Vinay M, Chikkade S, Mahendra BJ. Investigation And Control of Scabies in Shelter Homes of Mandya City. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2013 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];4(01):180-1. Available from:



Case Report