Transfusion Transmitted Infections Among Voluntary Blood Donors of South Gujarat, India: A Secondary Data Analysis


  • Ankita Shah SMIMER, Surat
  • Paras Udhreja Government Medical College, Surat
  • Abhay Kavishvar SMIMER, Surat
  • MohamedAnas Patni Government Medical College, Surat


Voluntary blood donors, Transfusion transmitted infections (TTIs), Case control study, Screening test


Introduction: It would be useful to analyse the existing data of voluntary blood donors in a way that enables association of some factors with positive screening tests for transfusion Transmitted Infections (TTI) among voluntary blood donors

Objectives: This study conducted to assess positivity for transfusion transmitted infections among voluntary blood donors.

Material & Methods: Case Control study, on voluntary blood donorsof camps during the year 2015with TTIs, while controls are two age matched controls without TTIs.

Observations: The frequency of previous blood donation was statistically significantly different between cases and controls. None of the biological or socio demographic variable could determine the increased risk or protection for TTIs. Different variables showed variable sensitivity, specificity and predictive values for TTIs.

Conclusion: Selected sociodemographic risk factors suggested by many epidemiological studies did not appear significant when tested with screening tests for a few diseases like Hepatitis B, C infection, Syphilis and HIV infections in case of voluntary blood donors.


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How to Cite

Shah A, Udhreja P, Kavishvar A, Patni M. Transfusion Transmitted Infections Among Voluntary Blood Donors of South Gujarat, India: A Secondary Data Analysis. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2016 Aug. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];7(08):677-80. Available from:



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