Comparison of Semi-Quantitative RPR Test and TPHA for Serodiagnosis of Syphilis


  • Nasiruddin M Shaikh NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad
  • Tanmay K Mehta NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad
  • Parul D Shah NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad


RPR, TPHA, Syphilis, False Positive, Biologically false positive, BFP


Introduction: A reactive RPR should always be confirmed with treponemal test like TPHA in suspected syphilis patients to rule out biological false positive cases. It is important to find an alternative to TPHA as it is frequently not available in resource limited health care facilities of developing nations like India.

Aim: Aim of our study is to evaluate semi-quantitative RPR test and TPHA in serological diagnosis of syphilis in resource limited health care facilities.

Methodology: A retrospective cross-sectional study from July 2012 to July 2015 was conducted on 216 suspected cases of syphilis. All cases were tested for qualitative RPR test, semi-quantitative RPR test ant TPHA test. Serum samples that are positive in qualitative RPR test but negative in TPHA were referred to as biologic false-positive (BFP) reactions. Statistical analysis was done by using Fischer’s exact test.

Results: We found 30(13.88%) biological false positive (BFP) cases in dilutions 1:8 or below on semi quantitative RPR test (P=0.0039). No BFP case was found in dilutions 1:16 or more. (P=0.0177).BFP can occur in any age group. We have noted that female 20(66.66%) were showing more BFP cases in our study (P=0.0009).

Conclusions: No biological false positive reaction has been found in above 1:8 dilution of RPR test. Semi-quantitative RPR test results in 1:16 or more dilution is equivalent to TPHA results for diagnosis of syphilis.


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How to Cite

Shaikh NM, Mehta TK, Shah PD. Comparison of Semi-Quantitative RPR Test and TPHA for Serodiagnosis of Syphilis. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2017 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 25];8(09):541-5. Available from:



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