A Study to Assess the Average Age of Menopause and Menopause Associated Symptoms Among Rural Women in Mangalore, Karnataka
Menopause, Women Health, Hot flushes, Post menopauseAbstract
Background: The word menopause literally means cessation of menstrual cycle. It is derived from Greek word ‘Meno’ or month and ‘pausis’ means a pause or cessation. A variety of physiological changes takes place in the body, some of these are the result of cessation of ovarian function and related menopause events while others are a function of the ageing process. This study was done to determine the average age at menopause and to study menopause associated health problem in them.
Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in the Rural field practice area of K.S. Hegde medical academy, Natekal from Jan 2013-Dec 2013.
Results: Mean age at menopause was found to be 45.32 with SD of +/-2.79. Muscle and join pain (39.25%), vasomotor symptoms (21%), urological symptoms (20.5%), vulvovaginal symptoms (19.25%).Hot flashes were experienced more by postmenopausal women (64%) as compared to perimenopausal women (36%).
Conclusion: Menopausal symptoms are either ignored or not spoke of. It is suggested that establishment of menopausal clinic within the current primary health care system can centralize attention to menopausal women and their needs.
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