Pattern Of Cases of Acute Poisoning in A Rural Tertiary Care Center in Northern India


  • Prashant Gupta UP RIMS & R, Etawah
  • Anil Kumar UP RIMS & R, Etawah
  • Somendra Pal Singh UP RIMS & R, Etawah
  • Manas Prakash UP RIMS & R, Etawah
  • Mohit Gupta UP RIMS & R, Etawah
  • Praveen Kumar UP RIMS & R, Etawah


Poisoning, pattern, organophosphorus, rural


Introduction: Poisoning is a common medico-social problem. It is a significant contributor to morbidity and mortality. Our study is to determine the socio demographic profile of the poisoning cases reported and to find out the pattern of poisoning cases at a tertiary care hospital in rural set up.

Method: Participants comprised of acute poisoning admissions to the emergency of UPRIMS & R, Saifai, Etawah, U.P. during 8 months period. Data regarding pattern of poisoning, basic demographics and drug utilization were collected by retrospective review of patient records.

Results: Major poisoning cases were observed in the age group between 21-30 years (39.09%). The populations with possibility of exposure to poisoning in their occupations were farmers (41.5%), housewives (31.2%) and students (18.8%). The maximum numbers of poisoning cases reported were due to organophosphorus (57.1%).The number of intentional poisoning cases (91.9%) were more when compared to accidental poisoning cases (5.2%).

Conclusion: Prevailing treatment protocols require updating on proper guidelines for better management of poisoning. Pattern and magnitude of poisoning are multidimensional and demand multi-sectoral approach for facing this problem. There is need for stringent pesticide regulation laws and counselling and training programs to reduce incidence of poisonings.


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How to Cite

Gupta P, Kumar A, Singh SP, Prakash M, Gupta M, Kumar P. Pattern Of Cases of Acute Poisoning in A Rural Tertiary Care Center in Northern India. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2016 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];7(04):307-10. Available from:



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