Does Poor Health Index in India Suggest Trouble for National Reforms Like Women Empowerment as per Sustainable Development Goals or Vice Versa?


  • Singh Sandhya Budelkhand Medical College, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh
  • Kaushal Rituja LNMC & RC, Bhopal
  • Saxena DM LNMC & RC, Bhopal


Health Index, NFHS-4, Women Empowerment, Sustainable Development Goa, NITI Aayog, India


Introduction: Evidences suggest gender-integrated interventions, which actively probe to identify and amalgamate activities that get down to the role of gender norms and dynamics, improve national indicators related to female issues. To understand the link between the gender components of interventions and morbidity plus mor- tality outcomes, it is critical to examine the gender summary measures or composite indices used in evaluations.

Methodology: This study is a secondary data based analytical study which was undertaken to measure and to compare, the women empowerment in terms of their health status indicators in the states of Kerala and Madhya Pradesh. Chi square test was cho- sen for statistical analysis.

Results: A significant difference was observed between distribu- tions of all the study parameters in both the sample populations.

Conclusion: Certain solutions like, area specific strategic formula- tion, bridging implementation gaps, overcoming patriarchate bot- tlenecks and loopholes in legal system, outdo lack of political will and economic backwardness are recommended in full swing, to extirpate the redundant situations in poor performing states with more population load.


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How to Cite

Sandhya S, Rituja K, Saxena DM. Does Poor Health Index in India Suggest Trouble for National Reforms Like Women Empowerment as per Sustainable Development Goals or Vice Versa?. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2018 Oct. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];9(10):773-7. Available from:



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