A Cross-Sectional Study to Assessthe Prevalence of Harmful Alcohol Consumption Habits among Students of a Medical College
Alcohol, Hazardous drinking, Addiction, Dependency, AUDsAbstract
Introduction: There is substantial change in the trend and pattern of consumption with wide range of alcoholic beverages available in market at petty pricing. In addition to change in patterns, there is a significant shiftin the composition of drinkers as well, with a greater number of female drinkers. Thus, this study was designed to assess the prevalence of Alcohol use disorders (mainly hazard- ous drinking and alcohol dependency) among medical college students.
Methodology: Study was undertaken among 230 students study- ing in ESIC Medical College, Kalaburagi. Students from all 3 phases including interns participated in the study.Study duration was for 3 months (from Aprto Jun2018). Screening for alcohol use disorders was done by using AUDIT questionnaire.
Results: 25.4% of subjects were either regular/occasional alcohol consumers. Prevalence of hazardous drinking, alcohol dependency and binge drinking were19.29%, 8.7% and 14% respectively.
Conclusions: There was a higher prevalence of hazardous drink- ing as well as dependency for alcoholic beverages among medical students. Most of the participants started consuming alcohol by 18 years or even before that. Hazardous drinking habits were more prevalent among males, compared to female drinkers.
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