Insomnia among Attendants of Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital at Visakhapatnam


  • Sanjeev Kumar GITAM Institute of Medical Science and Research, Visakhapatnam
  • Amrita Kumari GITAM Institute of Medical Science and Research, Visakhapatnam
  • Rongala Venkata Manasa GITAM Institute of Medical Science and Research, Visakhapatnam
  • Sai Chandan Das Govt Medical College & Hospital, Balasore
  • Vishwanath Ghoshal Kalinga Institute of medical Science, Bhubaneswar


Insomnia, Age, Attendants, Lifestyle factors, Athens Insomnia Scale


Background: Insomnia is most frequent, under-reported and are often neglected because of lack of awareness of the impact of such condition in our daily life style. This study was therefore con- ducted to determine the prevalence of insomnia and its associated lifestyle factors among attendants of patients of a tertiary care hospital at Visakhapatnam.

Methodology: An institution based descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from April to July 2018 at a teaching hospi- tal, by face to face interview according to Athens Insomnia Scaleby purposive sampling on a sample of 330 participants.

Results:The prevalence of insomnia was 13.3% with a female pre- ponderance (14.4%). By calculating bivariate and logistic regres- sion, we found that age > 40 years had 2.6 times and currently married had 4.6 times more chances of developing insomnia.

Conclusion: This study found a significant relationship of insom- nia with alcohol, tobacco consumption, married status, overcrowd- ing, non-vegetarian diet, and urban residence. Difficulty in sleep induction and frequent midnight awakeningwere the major com- plaints reported. Further community based studies are recom- mended to investigate the magnitude and the determinants of in- somnia.


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How to Cite

Kumar S, Kumari A, Manasa RV, Das SC, Ghoshal V. Insomnia among Attendants of Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital at Visakhapatnam. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2018 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 27];9(09):709-13. Available from:



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