Assessment of Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies among Medical Students in Bijapur: A Cross Sectional Study
Stress, students, medical, perceived stress score, Coping Self-Efficacy ScoreAbstract
Introduction: Students are subjected to different kinds of experi- ences which make them vulnerable to undergo a lot of stress. Medical education is inherently stressful and demanding, and, students are likely to face stress mostly due to academic stressors.
Methods: Study is a cross sectional study conducted at Al-Ameen medical college, Bijapur involving 148 first year undergraduate medical students.
Results: The study reveals that all students are unmarried 148 (100%). Majority of them are males, belonged to 17-18 age group, socioeconomic status I, and, had nuclear family. 43 (29.1%) stu- dents suffer from stress. Study subjects have mean Perceived stress score 25.608+5.46 and Coping Self-Efficacy Score 157.514+ 37.35.The study reveals that stress was more common among stu- dents having low Coping Self-Efficacy Scores and low stress among students having more Coping Self-Efficacy Scores, which was statistically significant.
Conclusion: The study gives us an understanding of the stress and the coping strategies used by undergraduate medical students to manage stress. There is a further need to analyze the source of stressors.To combat stress students need to consider relaxation measures, proper rest, good sleep and timely food intake.
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