A study on Awareness and Utilization of Rashtriya Swashtya Bima Yojana among Beneficiaries in Jamnagar District, India
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY), knowledge, AttitudeAbstract
Background: In India, poverty is propagated due to sickness, 1% of the poor fall below the poverty line due to their illness, and 65% of the poor in India get further into debt. To reduce Out of Pocket expenditure for health care and financial burden on the poor, a na- tional health insurance scheme, Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) was launched on 1st April 2008.
Aims & objectives: The present study was conducted to assess the socio-demographic profile of beneficiaries of RSBYand to assess the knowledge of the respondents regarding various components of RSBY.
Materials and methods: Total 300 household were interviewed from Jamnagar district. A pretested semi structured questionnaire was used to interview a respondent from the family. The data en- try and data analysis was done using EPI INFO version 3.5.3,Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and MedCalc version 15.11.3.
Results: Most of the RSBY card holders were aware about registra- tion cost but other features of RSBY like transportation cost, ac- commodation, free food etc. were not known to them.
Conclusion: We can conclude that awareness about scheme fea- tures is very less hence extra efforts needs to be put into.
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