Ideal Body Shapes Desired by Women in Surat City


  • Pawan Tadwalla Sumandeep Vidyapeeth, Piparia, Waghoida
  • Kaashvi Dinesh Patel Western Sydney University, Victoria Road, Rydalmere, NSW 2116, Australia.


Body shape, women’s perception, body image


Introduction: In contemporary time women’s body shapes are seen as crucial to their existence and self esteem and obesity is be- coming an international epidemic. This study conducted to ex- plore notions and perceptions of women relating to their desired body shapes.

Methodology: The study was undertaken in Surat city of Gujarat among 107 women aged 18 years and above till 45 years. The re- spondents were administered a pre-tested and structured ques- tionnaire prepared with the inputs of the participants and the agreement of the key stakeholders. The questionnaire was admin- istered to the respondents in the form of Google forms.

Results: The ideal body shapes as desired by the majority of the women was slim, athletic, size zero and curvaceous. Almost all women deemed body shapes as crucial to their existence. Nearly 80% women responded that body figure is important for self con- fidence.

Conclusion: The ideal body shapes desired by the majority of the women was slim, athletic, size zero and curvaceous which reflect their earlier preconceived notions8 and as per Indian norms. Body shapes were indeed a crucial point in the life of a woman.


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How to Cite

Tadwalla P, Patel KD. Ideal Body Shapes Desired by Women in Surat City. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];10(04):249-51. Available from:



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