Indigenous Research Study to Elucidate the Barriers of Menstrual Hygiene in Adolescent School Girls of Kolar Area in Bhopal City
Adolescent School Girls, Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM), Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Facilities, BhopalAbstract
Background: Menstruation is an eternal phenomenon, running since evolution still we have poor grip over medical impact associ- ated with it which results into adverse health effects.
Methods: This observation cross sectional study was undertaken to analyze various factors related to menstruation. Study was done for 7 months involving 300 participants.
Result: Findings were tabulated as number & percentage of distri- bution of study population in accordance with socio demographic, knowledge, and practice based factors.
Conclusion: The study has highlighted the need of adolescent girls & their informant channels of communication to have correct in- formation about menstruation and hygienic practices to be fol- lowed during menstruation.
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