Effect of Physical Exercise on LVEF, Health-Related Quality of Life and Other Cardiopulmonary Parameters in Heart Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Cardiac Rehabilitation, Exercise, HRQOL, Ejection FractionAbstract
Introduction: This study aims to determine the effect of high-intensity physical exercise on various cardiopulmonary parameters and HRQOL in heart disease patients.
Methodology: We searched databases including PubMed, Scopus, Embase, and Google Scholar using the PRISMA checklist to find research publications between year 2004 and 2024. R software 4.3.0 was utilised to perform the meta-analysis, and Cochrane’s ROB tool 2.0 was employed for the quality appraisal. Heterogeneity was assessed using I2 statistics. A funnel plot and Egger's test were used to evaluate publication bias.
Results: 22 articles in this meta-analytic study discovered that there was a substantial difference in the two patient groups' LVEF [2.41, (−1.29; 6.12), p<0.01], resting systolic [-2.24, (−4.77; 0.29), p=0.87] and diastolic BP [0.28, (−1.34; 1.89), p=0.53], resting heart rate [-1.54, (−6.11; 3.03), p<0.01], peak oxygen uptake [1.13, (−0.36; 2.61), p<0.01], and HRQOL including physical [4.00, (−4.29; 12.29), p<0.01], mental [2.19, (−0.50; 4.87), p=0.01], emotional [1.67, ( −2.34; 5.68, p=0.46) and social components [4.33, (0.23; 8.42), p=0.69].
Conclusion: In addition to improving LVEF, HRQOL, cardiac function, and peak oxygen uptake, cardiac rehabilitation training lowers the risk of CVD and lengthens life expectancy, all of which should be encouraged in the therapeutic context.
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