YY Paradox: Findings from a Community Based Study in North India
Paradox, Bioelectric, Impedance, IndicesAbstract
Background: Body Mass Index (BMI) has been widely accepted as an indicator for assessment of obesity. 3D scan of body composition parameters of Yajnik and Yudnik, the two authors who had similar BMI but different body fat percentage was labeled as ‘YY paradox’.
Objective: to explore the nature and usage of YY paradox in women.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 301 women in the age group 25-64 years in rural area in Barabanki district. Body composition was studied using bioelectric-impedance fat monitor and anthropometric techniques. YY phenomenon were identified and studied in 1) same BMI but different body fat (Classic YY), 2) same BVI but different BMI (yy BVI~BMI), and 3) same Lean Body mass/body fat but different body volume (yy LBM/BF~ BV).
Results: The mean age of women (n=301) was 41.69 ± 11.86. Odds Ratio (OR) for high visceral fat in all the studied indices among subjects showing yy-phenomenon and those not showing yy-phenomenon revealed highest OR of 5.25 (CI 2.86-9.61) for yy LBM/BF ~ BV index.
Conclusion: A high percentage of three paradoxes was found in this population and also demonstrated that these are not normally distributed. It is also felt that a deeper look in this aspect could be used for deriving predictive models for anthropometric markers linked to various diseases.
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