An Assessment of Clinical Profile & Outcome in Patients with Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)
Community acquired pneumonia (CAP), Etiology and Types of pneumoniaAbstract
Introduction: Pneumonia is a disease known to mankind from antiquity.
Objectives: The study objective is to assess demographic profile of patients and correlate with clinical & radiological findings and to identify various etiological factors & correlate in different types of pneumonia.
Methodology: A Prospective clinical observational study was conducted in October 2018 to March 2019 among 50 patients admitted under Department of General Medicine who were diagnosed as community acquired pneumonia during admission at GMERS General Hospital Junagadh, Gujarat.
Results: The incidence of CAP was more common in female (56%) than in men (44%). Fever was the commonest (47, 94%) presenting complaint followed by cough 42(84%) and breathlessness 36(72%). Lobar pneumonia was most common (85.7%) in the patients having predisposing lung pathology and Bronchopneumonia was most common (71.4%) in diabetic patients (Table-5). Majority (17, 34%) patients had PSI class I followed by PSI class II (14, 28%).
Conclusions: Mean age was 47+1.6. Significant difference noted between types of pneumonia and different etiological factors. In bacterial pneumonia, Pleural effusion (20.8%) was major complication whereas in viral pneumonia, Respiratory failure (47.3%) was major complication.
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