Socio Demographic Profile of Rifampicin Resistant Patient in Surat City


  • Neeta M Sharma Department of Community Medicine, SMIMER, Surat
  • Prakash Patel Department of Community Medicine, SMIMER, Surat
  • Swati Patel Department of Community Medicine, SMIMER, Surat


tuberculosis, rifampicin resistant tuberculosis, socio-demographic variables


Introduction: Drug resistance tuberculosis poses a major hindrance in effective control of tuberculosis. This study aims to assess the relationship of certain socio-demographic factors and Rifampicin resistant tuberculosis.

Settings and Design: It was a case control study which included 33 cases and 66 controls who had been registered in Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) and tested for Rifampicin resistance using CBNAAT test .Patient having resistance to rifampicin identified by CBNAA Test were considered as cases whereas patient sensitive to rifampicin identified by CBNAA Test were considered to be controls

Method: The study was conducted by pretested semi-structured questionnaire. . Information was gathered from the patients by taking interview.

Results: Rifampicin resistant tuberculosis was more in male (51.5%) than female (48.5%). Maximum number of cases was observed in age group 20-40 years. 51.5 % of the cases were illiterate. 33.33% cases were unmarried whereas 66.7% were married. 84.8 of the cases were Hindus. 81.8% of the cases were non- migrants as compared to 59.1% controls .According to modified Prasad’s classification (AICPI index Surat (262) nov-2004) it was observed that maximum cases were from class IV and maximum controls were from class III.

Conclusions: Rifampicin resistance was higher among males and non- migrants significantly. Further explorations in these areas are required to effectively control the disease.


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How to Cite

Sharma NM, Patel P, Patel S. Socio Demographic Profile of Rifampicin Resistant Patient in Surat City. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];12(11):384-8. Available from:



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