Influence Of Digital Gaming on Relationship and Social Health
Technology, Relationship, Digitalization, social media, digital nativeAbstract
The transition from the stone age to the digital era has radically altered our way of life. No matter their socioeconomic status, everyone around us currently has a mobile device. Immediately, we want to speak with someone, and within a second, we do. Facebook, Instagram, and online games simplify our daily lives, leaving little room for interpersonal relationships. This paper will examine how digitization has affected our interpersonal connections and also changed the way we view relationships from a social/mental health viewpoint. Since technology has lessened the necessity for social interaction, does this imply that we have all become digital natives? To gain a deeper understanding of the topic, this paper proposes a novel perspective supported by prior research. Since this problem has not been substantially investigated, more targeted research is required in the Indian setting.
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