Knowledge, Attitude, And Practices Regarding Child Sex Abuse Among School Students


  • Ansh Purohit Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education and Research (SMIMER), Surat, India
  • Aashni Purohit Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education and Research (SMIMER), Surat, India
  • Latika Shah Government Medical College, Surat, India



Good Touch, Bad Touch, School students


Context/Background: Child Sexual Abuse is a broad term used to describe sexual offences against children. Both genders are at risk of sexual abuse. Very few studies have conducted to assess the knowledge among school students. The study was conducted for documenting knowledge and attitude of child sexual abuse and socio-demographic profile among school children.

Methodology: We enrolled 128 school students after getting permission from school principal. First, we had filled pre-designed semi structure questionnaire about their knowledge and attitude about types of touch and what to do if it happens. Participation in the research was strictly voluntary and all the data were kept strictly confidential.

Results: All the participants were girls (100%). Majority of our participants were of 10 years (95.1%) of age. Current study revealed that very few participants were knowing about good touch and bed touch. Most of the participants didn’t knew about the private parts of the body and similarly most of the participants didn’t knew what to do if anything happens to them.

Conclusions: Present study recommends generating awareness about child sexual abuse among children, parents, and general population, via training through well-structured program.


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How to Cite

Purohit A, Purohit A, Shah L. Knowledge, Attitude, And Practices Regarding Child Sex Abuse Among School Students. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];13(09):655-8. Available from:



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