Biomedical Waste Management: Awareness and Practices in A District Of Madhya Pradesh


  • Manoj Bansal Bundelkhand Medical College, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh
  • Ashok Mishra GR Medical College Gwalior, Gwalior
  • Praveen Gautam GR Medical College Gwalior, Gwalior
  • Richa Changulani GR Medical College Gwalior, Gwalior
  • Dhiraj Srivastava UP RIMS & R, Saifai, Etawah, U.P
  • Neeraj Singh Gour JNM Hospital, Kalyani, (AP)


Biomedical Waste, Hazards, Health care personnel


Background: A hospital is an establishment that provides medical care facilities. Since the majority of the persons receiving treatment in the hospital are suffering with infectious diseases therefore, the waste generated in hospital has potential to transmit infections and other hazards to hospital staff and nearby community, if not managed adequately. Adequate awareness in the hospital staff and practices regarding the biomedical waste management is crucial to prevent these hazards.

Objective: To assess the awareness and existing practices regarding biomedical waste and its management in a district of Madhya Pradesh.

Material And Methods: The present study was a cross sectional study carried out in both urban and rural health facilities of Gwalior district from Jan to Jun 2008. Only those hospitals having indoor care facility were included randomly. Medical, para-medical and non-medical personnel working at their current position for at least 6 months were included as study participants to assess awareness.

Statistical Analysis: Percentage and Proportion were applied to interpret the result.

Results: Awareness regarding biomedical waste management was highest among doctors followed by para-medical staff and least among non-medical staff. Practices of waste management in hospitals were grossly inadequate, particularly in rural area.

Conclusion: The present study concludes that regular orientation and re-orientation training programs should be organized for hospital staff and strict implementation of guidelines of biomedical waste management, to protect themselves and hospital visitors.


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How to Cite

Bansal M, Mishra A, Gautam P, Changulani R, Srivastava D, Gour NS. Biomedical Waste Management: Awareness and Practices in A District Of Madhya Pradesh. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2011 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 16];2(03):452-6. Available from:



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