Assessment Of Knowledge of Mothers of Under-five Children on Nutritional Problems: A Rural Community Based Study


  • Divya Shettigar Yenepoya Nursing College, Mangalore, Karnataka
  • Ansila M Yenepoya Nursing College, Mangalore, Karnataka
  • Maryes George Yenepoya Nursing College, Mangalore, Karnataka
  • Jeena Chacko Yenepoya Nursing College, Mangalore, Karnataka
  • Reena J Thomas Yenepoya Nursing College, Mangalore, Karnataka
  • Shahila Shukoor Yenepoya Nursing College, Mangalore, Karnataka


Underfive children, Nutritional problems


Introduction: Good nutrition is the fundamental basic right for the maintenance of positive health. Nutritional problems like protein energy malnutrition, anemia, vitamin A deficiency iodine deficiency and obesity continues to plague large proportion of under-five children in India.

Objectives: To assess the knowledge regarding the common nutritional problems of under-five children and its prevention among mothers.

Method: This cross sectional descriptive study was conducted to assess mothers of under-five children residing at rural community area. Mothers were selected through Non probability convenient sampling.The data was collected using a pretested structured questionnaire.The data was analysed using SPSS version 16 and the results expressed as proportions

Results: A total of 50 underfive mothers were included in the study. Of the mothers surveyed, Knowledge about underfive nutritional problems and its prevention was reported to be nearly half of the mothers 27 (54%) had poor knowledge, around 19 (38%) had average knowledge, and only 4 (8%) had good knowledge regarding the common nutritional problems and its prevention. Mothers had poor knowledge on underfive nutritional problems and its prevention. None of the mothers had very good knowledge.

Conclusion: A significant number of mothers were unaware of the prevention and management of underfive nutritional problems. So, frequent health education campaigns should be conducted in the field of child nutrition.


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How to Cite

Shettigar D, Ansila M, George M, Chacko J, Thomas RJ, Shukoor S. Assessment Of Knowledge of Mothers of Under-five Children on Nutritional Problems: A Rural Community Based Study. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2013 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];4(01):141-4. Available from:



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