Pre-Hypertension and Hypertension and Its Determinants Among School Adolescents of Rural Area of Indore- A Cross Sectional Study


  • Jayashri Bute Index Medical College, Indore
  • Aarti Sahsrabudhhe Index Medical College, Indore
  • Vinod Arora Index Medical College, Indore
  • Harilal Dabhi Index Medical College, Indore


Hypertension, Prevalence, Determinants, Rural community


Background: Objectives of the study were to evaluate the prevalence of hypertension (HBP) and pre-hypertension (PHT) among the apparently healthy school children and to estimate the associa- tion of different risk factors with the HBP.

Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted during the period from August-December 2014.

Results: The prevalence of hypertension was detected to be 5.25% and pre-hypertension was 17.4%.Overall the mean systolic blood pressure and mean diastolic blood pressure were 113 ± 12.44 mm of Hg and 72.96 ± 8.95 mm of Hg respectively which was found to be similar in both sexes. The risk of high blood pressure signifi- cantly increased with age (p< 0.0001) Proportion of hypertension was higher among 71 (36.8%) adolescents, who were physically in- active as compared to 41 (13.6%) physically active adolescents which was found to be highly significant.[ OR= 0.26 (0.17-0.4) p < 0.0000001].The major risk factors was additional salt intake (p < 0.00013) & papad/pickle intake(p < 0.0080)OR = 0.59 (0.38-0.90) found to be significant.

Conclusion: In our rural population, the evaluation of blood pres- sure in children and adolescents is not a routine measure. Physical inactivity is reflecting increasing trend, along with changing die- tary habits which is a major risk factor for hypertension.


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How to Cite

Bute J, Sahsrabudhhe A, Arora V, Dabhi H. Pre-Hypertension and Hypertension and Its Determinants Among School Adolescents of Rural Area of Indore- A Cross Sectional Study. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2015 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];6(03):358-63. Available from:



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