A Profile of Teenage Pregnancies in a Rural Area of Belgaum, Karnataka
Teenage pregnancy, Profile, Rural BelgaumAbstract
Introduction: Teenage pregnancy is dangerous for the mother, child and the community and they are twice as likely to die of pregnancy and childbirth related complications as opposed to older women. This study was conducted to study the socio-demographic profile of teenage pregnancies and to record the reasons for early marriage and early pregnancy among them.
Methodology: 144 teenage pregnant women, residing in rural field practice area of Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum were selected and information on their socio-demographic variables was recorded between January-December 2012. It was a descriptive study.
Results: In the current study, 66.0% participants were of 18-19 years age, 90.3% housewives and 53.5% studied up to high school. The mean age of marriage was 16 years and 79.2% of them were primigravidae. Traditional practice (68.8%) was the commonest reason for early marriage and family pressure (46.5%) was the often cited reason for early pregnancy.
Conclusion: The mean age of participants was 17.8 years and that of marriage was 16 years and this occurrence of pregnancy in teenage leads to adverse outcomes. Thus, periodic IEC activities have to be held and child marriage act has to be strictly enforced to improve their health.
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