A Study on Socio-Economic Profile of Working Women Mem-bers of Self Help Groups of an Urban Slum of Davangere, Kar-nataka
Self help groups, Working women, Social class, IncomeAbstract
Background: Self help groups provide a critical outlet for building more sustainable socioeconomic status. They have emerged as support groups in facing all kinds of problems in their domestic environment and makes a significant impact on their socio economic status and empowerment.
Objectives: The objectives of the study was to study the socio demographic profile of the members of self help groups and to know the income, expenditure and savings pattern of the members of the group.
Materials and Methods: Community based cross sectional study with a pre tested questionnaire interviewed members of 4 self help groups of an urban slum.
Results: 51% of the respondents were of 30 to 40 years of age, 40% were married <18 years of age and 42% had >2 children. Only 39% had permanent job, 70% joined job to meet the household expenses and higher proportion of them earned Rs1000 to 5000/month. 80% took loan and 9 saved their earning in the Post office, Bank and in self help groups.
Conclusion: Majority of the women joined the groups to obtain loan and more number of women took loan to help children to get education and few members saved money.
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