Correlation Of Patients’ Knowledge Regarding Diabetes with Their Glycaemic Control: A Cross-Sectional Study from An Urban Area


  • Chidanand D Awalekar B.V.D.U. Medical College & Hospital, Sangli
  • Vivek B Waghachavare B.V.D.U. Medical College & Hospital, Sangli
  • Jayshree C Awalekar B.V.D.U. Medical College & Hospital, Sangli
  • Manohar Chavan B.V.D.U. Medical College & Hospital, Sangli
  • Vishwajeet M Chavan B.V.D.U. Medical College & Hospital, Sangli
  • Madhavi Patwardhan Ophthalmologist, Sangli


Diabetes Mellitus, Self care, Knowledge, Blood Glucose


Introduction: Diabetes is a chronic condition requiring lifelong management, associated with increased mortality and morbidity. It is important for diabetic patients to have knowledge regarding the disease and self-care. The objective of current study was studying correlation of patients’ knowledge regarding diabetes with their glycaemic control.

Methods: It is a cross-sectional study conducted among the patients attending a diabetic clinic in a tertiary care hospital, from Sangli City (Maharashtra).The study tool was pretested and self- administered questionnaire. Analysis was done using Microsoft Excel and SPSS- 22.

Results: Of the 573study participants, only 114 (19.9%) had fasting plasma glucose level ≤ 130 mg/dl. Considering the knowledge regarding diabetes; 46.4% participants had scored less than 50%, while only 12.9% participants had scored >75%. The participants with fasting plasma glucose level at ≤130 mg/dl had highest mean knowledge score. On examining with Pearson correlation; the knowledge regarding diabetes had a positive correlation with the period of diabetes morbidity and a negative correlation with fasting plasma glucose.

Conclusion: The knowledge regarding diabetes was helpful in achieving better glycaemic control. Hence efforts should be made to increase the diabetes related literacy among the patients.


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How to Cite

Awalekar CD, Waghachavare VB, Awalekar JC, Chavan M, Chavan VM, Patwardhan M. Correlation Of Patients’ Knowledge Regarding Diabetes with Their Glycaemic Control: A Cross-Sectional Study from An Urban Area. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2016 Feb. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 29];7(02):125-9. Available from:



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