A Study on Hospitalized Under Five Children Presenting with Acute Diarrhoea
Acute Diarrhoea, Under fives, Dehydration, Feeding PracticesAbstract
Background: Diarrhoea is the second leading cause of death in children under five years old. Diarrhoea is more prevalent in the developing world due to the lack of safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, as well as poorer overall health and nutritional status. This study was conducted to assess clinical spectrum and Epidemiological Factors associated with Acute Diarrhoea in Under Fives.
Methods: Hospital based descriptive cross sectional study was conducted over 12 months among Under Five children admitted with Diarrhoea in Paediatrics IPD.
Results: Out of 116 studied children, 67.2% were infants while only 32.8% were between age 1 to 5 years. Loose stools were watery in 73.14%, bloody in 27.59%, containing worms in 6.03%. There was some and severe dehydration in 26.7%, 15.5% of cases respectively. Associated other symptoms were vomiting, fever and pain in abdomen.
Conclusion: Diarrhoeal spells were found significantly associated with child’s immunization status (p-0.047), mother’s education (p-0.002), drinking water quality (p-0.008), nutritional status (p<0.001), faulty feeding practices (p-0.044), mother’s hand washing practices, residence surroundings and toilet habits. There is need to improve safe drinking water, Sanitation, Hygiene, as well as feeding practices, immunization coverage & mother’s education.
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