Knowledge of Emergency Contraception among Reproductive Age Group of Married Women in Field Practicing Area of RMCH, Bareilly
Emergency contraception, urban, rural, Reproductive AgeAbstract
Introduction: Only a few know about ECP as a method to prevent unintended pregnancy after unprotected intercourse and even among those who are aware of ECP very few know how to use it correctly.
Methodology: A cross-sectional community based study amongst married women aged 15-45 years present in their respective house- holds. A structured pretested interviewer-administered schedule was used to collect data. Chi- square test and ANOVA were used to analyze data
Results: Nearly a quarter of females had knowledge about EC. EC awareness was significantly lower among rural females (9.3%) than the urban (17.3%) females. Respondents who were aware of EC first heard about EC from television (68.6%). Majority of those aware knew about the pills (91.2%). In addition, most participants (84.5%, n = 515) did not know about the appropriate interval for efficacy between unprotected sex and taking EC. Only 5.0 % respondents had ever used an emergency contraception method. Nearly a quar- ter of respondents would like to use EC in future. Education of woman and husband were found to be significant
Conclusion: Education was found to be significant predictor of knowledge of emergency contraception in this study.
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