Determinants of Contraceptive Awareness among Reproductive Women in Mangaluru
Contraceptives, Awareness,, Knowledge, MangaluruAbstract
Introduction: Contraception is a huge matter of concern in India- a developing country with very high and rapid growing population. Thus it is essential to promote contraceptive knowledge and ensure its uptake. The present study’s aim was to evaluate level of awareness of contraception among participants, and assess the factors that influence women’s awareness and choice of contraception.
Methodology: The cross sectional study was conducted among premenopausal married females aged 21-45 from Government Lady Goschen Hospital, Mangaluru. A semi structured questionnaire was used to collect information. Data was analyzed using SPSS20.
Results: The awareness of contraceptive methods was as follows: condom (90.9%), oral contraception pill (51.5%), tubal ligation (60.63%), intrauterine device (55.85%), natural method (22.87%) and hormonal IUD (24.3%). The most important factor affecting the choice of contraception was Health Care Professionals Advice (51.58%) followed by Partner’s Opinion (43.61%). Among intrinsic factors, the choice of contraception was most influenced by Convenience (30.85%), followed by Side Effects (26.59%), Duration of Action (21.8%), Non Contraceptive Benefits (11.17%), Reversibility (5.31%) and Cost (4.25%).
Conclusion: A reassuring trend was noticed in the factors affecting choice of contraception. More than half the study population was aware of the contraceptive methods widely prescribed in Mangaluru.
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