A Full-Scale Narrative Review On Monkey pox
Monkey Pox, Clinical Features, Transmission, Prevention, Public Health AspectAbstract
A developing zoonotic orthopoxvirus with a clinical presentation resembling smallpox is the human monkey pox. A double-stranded DNA virus causes monkey pox (MPX), a viral zoonosis. -For the first time, numerous monkey pox cases and clusters have been recorded simultaneously in endemic and non-endemic nations over a wide range of geographical regions. On 23 July 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the monkey pox outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). From May to July 2022, a multi-country outbreak of monkey pox was reported. The recurrence of the disease has caused global panic and a rise in public health concerns. we performed a thorough literature search for MPVX infection PubMed, Google scholar and Elsevier search engines, articles published in the last 3 months and personal collection of the relevant publications were considered in this review. Despite the fact that this condition has been there for more than 50 years, the recent rise in cases and the growing body of knowledge about it have made it necessary for practicing doctors to conduct a focused review. Therefore, in this review we Summarized the previous concepts, exploring the present, and focusing on future prevention of Monkey pox.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Kaveri Palanisamy, Roshni Mary Peter, Anantharaman VV, Meera Premanand, Bincy K

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