Prevalence Of Various Dermatoses in School Children of Anand District


  • Rita Vora Pramukh swami Medical College, Karamsad
  • Nishit Bodiwala Pramukh swami Medical College, Karamsad
  • Shivang Patel Pramukh swami Medical College, Karamsad


Various dermatoses, school children


Introduction: Skin diseases are common in children. School survey is a useful yardstick as it is easy to conduct, less time consuming and large number of children of particular age group can be screened for presence of diseases.

Method: This study was conducted in 48 schools (32 urban and semi urban schools,16 rural school) of Anand district over a period of 5 years from Jan 2006 to Dec 2010. Total 26177 students comprising 15248 male and 10929 female from KG to 12th standard were examined.

Result: Out of 26,177 students, 15.41 %( 4035) students were found to have skin disorders. Out of this, 18.14% (732) had infectious dermatoses, 79.60% (3212) had non-infectious dermatoses and 2.26%(91) had nutritional dermatoses.

Discussion: The prevalence of skin disease (15.41%) reported in our study is quite less than other studies. Infectious disease showed low incidence compared to other studies due to proper hygienic condition.


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How to Cite

Vora R, Bodiwala N, Patel S. Prevalence Of Various Dermatoses in School Children of Anand District. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2012 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];3(01):100-3. Available from:



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