Prevalent Addictions and HIV Related High Risk Behavior Among Construction Site Workers at A Medical College & Hospital in Kolkata
Construction workers, addiction, high risk behavior, HIV/AIDSAbstract
Introduction: Construction workers are susceptible to unique health problems together with stress leading to increased promis- cuity and addiction. Objective of the study was to get details of prevalent addiction and sexual practices and their relationship with each other.
Methods: 125 male construction workers of a private company were approached from the premise of a new medical college in Kol- kata. Semi-structured schedule was used to collect data on socio- demographic, addiction and sexual behaviour by interview tech- nique.
Results: Analysis on 110 workers showed 58.2% consumed alcohol and 2/3rd smoked. 37% workers under 25 years had sex with FSW with condom non-use of 86.5%. Age and literacy level was signifi- cantly associated with awareness of HIV/AIDS transmission. Al- cohol and oral tobacco intake was associated with increased vul- nerability to HIV/AIDS (aOR=11.5 & 2.8 respectively).
Conclusion: Intensive Behaviour change communication is needed to address growing menace of alcoholism and oral tobacco among young construction workers.
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